With Labor Day coming up this Monday, the big holiday season is quickly approaching! It’s time to get your social media strategy locked down so when the time comes you can sit back and enjoy that, much deserved time with family and friends. Holidays can also pose as a great chance to obtain new customers and engage with old ones.
Jump start a relationship!
Throughout the holiday season, your future customers have a lot more time on their hands and chances are, they are using a substantial piece of it to catch up on social media. Use this to Jumpstart a new relationship! Get their attention during their free time! Give them a chance to learn more and try your product while they aren’t distracted by daily stressors like work or school.
Consistency is key!
Make sure to keep your postings on a fairly regular schedule; aim for a few times a week. If you are offering a special or hosting an event, you can post a bit more often than usual but don’t over do it. Consistency ensures your posts and products are staying on their mind as they are confronted by other companies’ posts.
Keep it personal!
Smart companies know the importance of public holidays, so it is possible that you’ll be fighting for attention. Share a personal story or some photos of your own family during the holidays – it puts a face behind the brand and fosters a real relationship between you and your customers!
Doing these things doesn’t mean that you will be slaving over your computer for hours… just create and schedule your posts in advance, and remember, here at BusySeed, we are always available to help!
Stay ahead in digital marketing!