With social media always changing and being different there are plenty of ways to save time with scheduling the same posts for different social media outlets. The big question — is saving time sacrificing your post content?
In short, yes.
Each post that is posted to whichever social media network you choose should be tailored to that social media network. An obvious example of this would be having a long post on Facebook but not changing it for Twitter. Twitter’s limit of 140 characters means that your post won’t be optimal for being a tweet.
Also, think about hashtags. You want to make sure that you are using hashtags appropriately and in the right places. For example, you’ll definitely want to use hashtags on Twitter and Instagram but not on LinkedIn. Your posts would look unprofessional if you posted them with ten or more hashtags to the networking site.
So, how do you know what your posts should be tailored to? Check out our list below.
62,000+ character limit
Posts can include photos, slideshows, videos, etc.
Links allowed
Limit hashtag use
2000+ character limit
Posts can include small videos (posted via Boomerang) or photos
No linking allowed
Hashtags encouraged
140 character limit
Posts can include photos or videos
Linking allowed, best if you use a URL shortener
Hashtags are encouraged
600 character limit
Posts can include photos or video
Linking allowed
Hashtags are not used
This is just a small guide to get you started as you start to get your feet wet with social media. If you’re interested in learning more or want to know about our social strategies for each platform visit us at BusySeed.com
Stay ahead in digital marketing!