We don't believe there is such thing as a "bad client." We won't deny that clients can be challenging, but they're never bad. However, at points, working with clients can be frustrating for digital marketers. It's human nature to not get along with everyone you meet. When it comes down to discussing finances or a business, emotions can run high and tempers can flair. Digital marketing agencies are guaranteed to come across a confrontational or extremely picky client at some point in the life of the company. It's up to your team to make the best of a sticky situation. The important thing is to never let your personal opinions about clients get in the way of doing great work. You might not be their best friend, but you are their digital agency and you have a deal to uphold. We understand how frustrating it can be to learn to speak with multiple clients at a time. You need to learn their brand, understand them as people to form a relationship, know answers to their questions, discuss topics that might be uncomfortable (revisions, payment, behavior, etc), and more. Try to keep a positive mindset and remember that digital marketers work to bring businesses success. No one is asking you to go to the movies with Mr. Smith from Client A, so if there's an issue, resolve it professionally to maintain a good working relationship. Here are some specific client behaviors or characteristics that you might cross paths with:
Digital marketing is a fast-paced job. Not only are trends changing all the time, but the very platforms we use are too. Existing platforms update regularly, and occasionally, a brand new platform comes out and blows everyone away (we're looking at you Tik Tok). Digital marketers need to constantly learn in order to keep up with these changes. As you would imagine, that can be a pretty difficult thing to do. Just when you master a platform, it updates to something completely different. To be fair, most platforms will either a) give a warning before major changes are made or b) only introduce small updates at a time. There have been plenty of instances in which we need to re-learn a platform. Luckily, digital marketers are resilient and we tend to learn on our feet. Google Analytics wants to change everything? Great! Give us an extra hour and we'll get all the accounts back up and running again. We love figuring things out, and we secretly enjoy watching platforms evolve before our eyes. However, it is still a struggle that can cost your team valuable time. Train your digital marketers to expected the unexpected and you'll be navigating platform updates like pros. Pro tip: always check on ad and content policies. There's nothing worse than missing an update and accidently violating a new rule. Suspended accounts are never fun.
There are a lot of digital marketing agencies in the country and around the world. As such, our industry is extremely saturated with competitors. This can make finding clients hard and can also make it hard to stand out. More and more agencies are offering innovative services to give themselves a competitive edge over other firms. It's much harder than you may think to come up with something groundbreaking in an industry filled with both analytical and creative people. Services aren't the only thing clients look at either; price plays a major role in the decision process. They're paying a digital marketing agency, so they want the most bang for their buck. Some agencies are able to charge far less for services for a multitude of reasons, while others are highly sought after even though they are expensive because they come with a luxurious reputation. Which brings us to our next point - reputation. If you truly want to stand out among the thousands of competitors, get your happy clients to leave positive reviews on public platforms. Consumers and business owners care a lot about peer reviews, so they can be the ticket that signs a deal for you! Getting reviews can be tough, so we'd encourage you to incentivize it when you can.
For all-around digital agencies, lead generation can be one of the hardest goals to hit. This is a universal struggle digital marketers face, and no one has been able to crack the code quite yet. Some industries are easier to generate leads for than others. Retail brands, restaurants, etc. all seem to be well-received, but luxury brands, health companies, or any other personal service business tend to struggle. Consumers do not like to give out private information on the internet, particularly if it's linked to a potentially embarrassing topic (a weight loss seminar, counseling, etc.) Digital marketing agencies need to be clever and target the right group of people. B2C leads are almost always easier to come by than B2B leads because B2B deals are typically far more expensive. A consumer will happily sign up for a newsletter about a new clothing brand, but businesses will be wary about giving any information to a company trying to sell million-dollar software systems. Make sure you identify the target market before launching any campaign, and do your research into each platform. Facebook can show good results for B2C, but businesses aren't going on Facebook to look for partners. B2B companies should look at LinkedIn, drip marketing, personal message pitches, etc. Google is always a great option to test out. When it comes to lead generation, make sure to test out all the avenues you can think of. Don't be afraid to look at other agencies who have seen success and try their methods. Most importantly, talk to the client about the struggles you might face but assure them that you will not rest until leads are flowing in!
The last struggle we want to discuss today is sales. We don't mean sales for our clients this time, we mean sales for us! Digital marketing agencies almost always have a sales department to hunt down and bring in new clients. As we mentioned, our market is very saturated, and the bidding war for sales can be cutthroat. If you are a digital marketer at an agency, you've likely heard the sales team mention that they lost a prospect to another agency who was offering a lower price. Closing a sale can be so tricky, especially when you're looking at a big and expensive package. How can you make up for this severe competition? Put together beautiful proposals that will knock their socks off, offer discounts and promotions, set up systems to be the first one to jump on a lead. There are many articles and webinars available to offer advice for sales teams. Really, it all comes down to branding yourself as the best in the business. People can buy sneakers for a few dollars at Walmart but they choose to spend hundreds on a pair of Jordan's. Why? Jordan's are the best of the best, and people want to carry that reputation along with them. Prove that you're the best option and price won't be an obstacle for serious clients. We also encourage digital marketing agencies to find multiple lead funnels. Outbound and inbound are the two major ones, but you should also use various methods for each. Cold call, send out emails, knock on doors, or use lead buying platforms, contact forms, lead generation ads, etc. Find what works for you based on the services you offer and the clients you're after. Never settle for one process though, because if that pond dries up you want to have a backup plan ready.
Digital marketing agencies can make it through the worst of times. Our teams are always ready for everything, and we love solving problems. BusySeed is a top digital marketing agency based in New York with locations across the country. Our team is a diverse group of clever and creative individuals who stop at nothing to get results for our clients. We may face challenges, but we never back down to them. If you're ready to work with an agency who won't give up until we exceed your expectations, call BusySeed at (888) 353-1484. We look forward to speaking with you!
Stay ahead in digital marketing!