As a local business there is a good chance you have some industry competition in your area. One of the best ways to take on your competitors is by crafting a social media strategy for your business on Facebook. There are many platforms to choose from when creating your strategy, but not all platforms will make sense for your business goals. That is unless you are Facebook.
Facebook caters to all types of businesses and will be a great addition to your social media strategy, as long as you follow a few cardinal rules for posting. Creating the perfect Facebook post for your business isn’t rocket science, but there are a few things you can do in order to make it successful.
Less is More
It is very easy to get carried away with your Facebook posts. Unlike twitter you have tons of characters to play around with, but that doesn’t mean you should go crazy. One thing to keep in mind for your local business is that the simpler the post the better received it will be by your target demographic. Instead of writing a paragraph, write a sentence or two. The key is to not overwhelm your customers and to get to the point quick. This will do wonders for your organic and paid engagement on your Facebook business page.
A Clean Image Goes a Long Way
Your social media strategy should have a heavy focus on visual content. Facebook loves images and videos, as will your local social audience. You may see images with abundant amounts of text on them, and although it may get the point across, it isn’t preferred by your followers. The cleaner the image, the more engagement it tends to see. So, before you go and write a novel on your photo, take a step back and really think about the types of Facebook posts you like to see. A clutter of words most likely won’t come to mind and is why you should follow the same rule when posting on Facebook for your local business.
Every business has a goal they would like to achieve through social media, and a good call-to-action will help you achieve those benchmarks. If your local business is trying to get more reservations, don’t hesitate to add a reservation link to the bottom of your post. This will make it easy for potential customers to take action.
Never be afraid to give direction by saying “Make Your Reservation Here!(Insert Link)”. The easier you make the process, the more actions your social media followers will take. Just keep in mind the lengthiness of your link and use tools like the Google Link Shortener to keep your CTA prompts looking sharp!
Have Fun with Words
So many local businesses fall into social media slumps due to a lack of exciting and engaging content. Remember that it is okay to showcase your business’s quirkiness through posts, in fact we encourage it! Get creative with your language and don’t be afraid to have fun with your audience. They will appreciate it and so will your engagement results.
Stay Consistent
It is very easy to loose sight of your social media strategy. Things come up as a local business owner, but it is important to stay consistent with your Facebook posts. When you go from 7 posts per week to 1 every two months you will see a big dip in results and will have a hard time achieving those social media goals. Commit to a certain number of posts per week and try not to stray. The more consistent your are in your posting, the more consistent your results will be.
Now that you have the recipe to craft a successful Facebook post, are you ready to get started on social? Message us with any of your questions and feel free to share your posts with our experts on Facebook!
Stay ahead in digital marketing!