A website funnel (also called a sales funnel or goal funnel) is not anything that can be clearly seen or outlined, but it's always there on successful sites. Basically, a sales funnel eases site visitors into the idea of completing a desired goal. For example, if your business offers a service, your goal might be to fill out a "Contact" form. If you put the form on the first view of the website, people are going to click off. Much like telling a story, you need to hook the viewers with a tagline, statistic, or story. A sales funnel takes site visitors through all of the phases of a purchase decision. Digital marketing agencies that design websites should always keep the process in mind if they hope to create a working funnel for you.
Awareness: Introduce your product or company to make the viewer immediately aware of what they're learning about
2. Interest: Provide information that answers frequently asked questions and showcases why you and your product/service are different than others.
Decision: By this point in the sales funnel, your potential customers will know if what you have to offer is what they're looking for. They will decide to either go with you or look elsewhere.
4. Action: Site visitors will complete the desired conversion action. This can include filling out a form, purchasing an item, scheduling an appointment, and more.
All digital marketing agencies will build your goal funnel slightly differently. Here at BusySeed, we take a very careful approach. We've helped over 300 businesses achieve their goals, many of them through websites or landing pages. As we create more and more sales funnels, we are able to perfect the process. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Speaking of contact forms, there are many rules here as well. Some forms might be simple and ask for only name, email, and phone number, but others act as the entire sales funnel. Lead generation forms need to be constructed very carefully. Much like web pages, lead generation forms should ease a viewer into a decision. Start off with some reviews, basic info, or descriptions of what you offer. If you ask for their name, do so in a friendly manner and then use their response in subsequent questions. This makes the experience more personal and can alleviate some tension. Ask the simpler, less personal questions towards the start of the form. Questions about the service are good places to start. Be sure to break up the questions with more reviews or success stories. The last few questions should be where you ask for emails, phone numbers, and other personal information. If you don't need all of that information upfront, we suggest leaving it out. You will be communicating with these leads in the future, so you can get more information then. Remember, you have much less time to take someone through a website funnel on a question form than you do on a full website. Be efficient and effective and you should see conversions start to come in!
If you have a website you love but it isn't getting you results, the culprit is likely a lackluster sales funnel. Many digital marketing agencies offer web development, but only the best can promise sales funnel optimization. BusySeed is proud of our ability to get goal completions for ourselves and our clients. We have worked with businesses in over 20 industries with great success. We can help you too! Whether you're looking for a lead generation form, a single-page landing page, or a full-fledged website, we've got you covered. Call (888) 353-1484 to get started on your journey to successful conversions!
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