It's evident that the Coronavirus pandemic has turned the world on its head. Businesses have to adapt rapidly as the definition of "normal" changes before our eyes. It seems as though no industry is unaffected by the pandemic. Let's take a look into the digital marketing industry to see how the pandemic is changing the way digital agencies operate.
2020 is proving to be a year like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our way of life drastically over the course of the last few months. Luckily, some of the dust appears to be settling, and economies are reopening slowly but surely. However, just about every industry in the world has been affected by the outbreak. Businesses are headed online to stay afloat and are learning the digital realm as they go. Digital marketing agencies have been here to help, but even our industry has had to adapt and change. Today, we want to take a look at the top five ways the pandemic has affected the digital marketing industry for 2020. Let's get started.
1. More Businesses Are Turning to Digital Marketing Than Ever Before
Digital marketing is seeing a huge uptick in demand because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Businesses who never had an online presence are all hustling to transition to digital operations. Restaurants, in particular, have been joining the digital crowd so that they can offer takeout and delivery options. When these businesses need help, they're turning to the digital marketing agencies who are pros in the field. There are more social media accounts, websites, and food delivery site accounts than there were a few months ago. Even the most old-fashion restaurant or business is making the transition to digital.
In addition to a drastic increase in digital presence, the need for digital marketing has skyrocketed. Small businesses that usually rely on foot traffic, word of mouth, or more traditional methods of marketing can no longer do so. People are not getting out of the house to stumble upon small businesses, and a local eatery is probably far from the front of people's minds these days. To combat this, local businesses are turning to digital marketing to keep their name out there. Now is a great time for the transition because businesses have a captive audience. People are actively looking for small businesses to support during the pandemic, and if you've got some digital marketing efforts going, you have a fantastic chance of being discovered by new customers. Digital agencies are thrilled to welcome new businesses into the digital realm, and we are doing everything we can to help them succeed.
2. Social Media Is More Popular Than Ever, As is Social Media Marketing
Because people are staying home, screen time has gone up dramatically. Take a look at your social media accounts and we're sure that all of your friends are much more active than they were just a few months ago. People are looking to stay connected, and there's no better way to stay up-to-date on someone's life than through social media. The demand for social media marketing services has gone up tremendously since the pandemic began. Businesses don't want to be forgotten, and they want to stay in touch with their customers to announce new protocols, hours, promotions, etc. For businesses that aren't used to running social media accounts, digital marketing agencies have stepped up to the plate. Social media marketing is a specialty of many digital agencies, and we love to show new clients just how powerful it can be. For even faster results, small businesses are turning to social media advertising. Sponsored content is hugely popular and is a great way to get your business in front of your target audience amidst the influx of social media marketing campaigns. Customers are in the perfect mindset to consume new content and try new things, so now is the time to upgrade your social media marketing chops!
3. Digital Marketing Agencies Are Facing More Restrictions Across Platforms
While digital marketing is changing for the better in a lot of ways, we want to be realistic and talk about one of the issues digital agencies are facing. To prevent fear-mongering and price gouging, many digital platforms instated much harsher restrictions. Social media advertising has always had restrictions, but the big platforms have kicked it into high gear. On Amazon and Google, you are prohibited from advertising supplies or products related to COVID-19 such as hand sanitizer, test kits, masks, etc. The approval of Facebook and Instagram ads is much slower because even the big platforms have the skeleton crew working right now. Facebook is also restricting ads about "social issues" including the pandemic. This is to prevent the spread of false information that can lead to fear and dangerous actions by the public. Even organic content is being restricted. Posts that discuss or use hashtags related to the Coronavirus can be shadowbanned, restricted, or feature a warning/disclaimer that cannot be removed. Social media platforms are doing everything they can to keep false information away from the public to avoid dangerous "treatments", fear, and overall negative energy. We salute them for putting public health and safety above their profits. Social media advertising earns these companies more money, but they refuse to let false information be promoted during such a serious time. Thank you, digital bigwigs.
4. Digital Agencies Are Lending a Helping Hand Wherever And Whenever Possible
The COVID-19 outbreak has really opened the hearts of a lot of digital agencies. We recognize that managing online content is foreign and scary to many businesses. Because of this, digital marketing agencies all over the world are offering discounted or free services, free tutorials for the major platforms, and more! There are countless websites that list all the local businesses in the area that are still open in some capacity. Digital marketers for states are even offering free website development! During such a stressful time, it's great to see people coming together to help one another out. At BusySeed, our philosophy is to help everyone we can whenever we can. Many of our clients have had to lessen services or go on hiatus for the time being, and we're doing everything in our power to make sure their business continues to grow and thrive during the pandemic. Digital marketing agencies have the capacity to do so much for their communities at the moment, and it's amazing to see them take on the challenge and put other businesses before their own. While we are all trying to make profits and stay in businesses, digital agencies possess skills and capabilities that most people do not. We are all banding together to help out the little guys get through this.
5. The Whole World Is Seeing the Value of Digital Technologies and Capabilities
Can you imagine going through the Coronavirus pandemic without technology? While other generations have, it's clear that the technological capabilities are making the new normal easier on everyone. Through social media, we are able to know what's going on in other people's lives. Thanks to Zoom, Skype, and Facetime we can see our loved ones and have a conversation while staying safe. Because of online platforms, local businesses were able to transition to online ordering and curbside pickup. Digital technology has been a lifesaver during the pandemic, and digital marketing agencies everywhere are thrilled that the platforms are no longer being overlooked as a viable way to increase business and brand awareness. We hope that businesses continue to use digital marketing after things settle down. Some companies want to stick to the traditional channels of media, but things are headed in the digital direction very quickly. Digital marketing is the next big thing, and it should stay the new normal for all businesses.
The BusySeed team has taken all of the changes in stride and we're working with companies to help them succeed. We are proud to be digital marketers all the time, and we're more thankful than ever to be able to use our skills to help others. We've faced plenty of changes in our own industry, but we prefer to look at those that changed our field for the better. If you're a business owner, please contact digital marketing agencies if you need help during this time. We are always happy to offer advice or services as needed. You don't need to struggle with social media marketing or digital ads by yourself; let the digital teams of the world do what we do best. We have a feeling that digital marketing won't be going out of style anytime soon, so jump on the bandwagon and see what it can do for you! To get started with BusySeed, contact our business developers at (888) 353-1484. We hope to hear from you soon so we can get to work growing your business with digital marketing!