The very first thing you need to make sure that you have is an excellent e-commerce website. Your website is your entire business after all, so it needs to be perfect! There are many different platforms that you can use for your e-commerce sites, and each digital marketing agency may have their own preference. Some of the big players include Shopify, Big Commerce, and Woo Commerce, among many others. Because this site is basically your "store," it needs to be designed in a way that people find inviting and exciting. You want to make sure that your brand is very clear on all pages through logos, colors, fonts, imagery, and more. One of the most important things to check is that your new website is easy and straightforward to navigate. If customers can't move from page to page in a way that makes sense and lets them find what they're looking for, they're going to go elsewhere. You have roughly 5 seconds to catch a viewer's attention, so make sure any landing pages feature some of your best products! Keep in mind that you can set up an e-commerce website on your own, but it will be faster and more effective to let your digital team handle it instead. Some e-commerce platforms are much more user-friendly than others, but the more challenging ones can often be highly customized with some coding and backend work. If you want the best site, talk to your agency about what you want, and they'll do the hard work for you! You'll be making sales in no time!
The next service that is imperative when marketing for e-commerce businesses is Google Ads! When people are shopping online, they're going to be searching for the type of product they want. Google Ads will let you target these keywords to show up on the top of the first page of results where you are over 70% more likely to get clicks! The great thing about Google Ads is their versatility. You can create Search Ads that are text-based, Display Ads that show off your products, Shopping Ads that appear in the shopping section of Google, and more! Google is the number one search engine in the world with on 75% of the market share. Clearly, it's a great place to be if you're trying to target a captive online audience. Google Ads are very customizable, but they can be a bit tricky to master. Because of that, we highly recommend leaving campaign creation to your digital marketing agency so they can put what they know to use and get you more results faster. When you first start Google Ads, it's important to remember that they take some time to optimize, and the first few months are really more about collecting data than seeing results. Your digital team will adjust the ads and keywords as needed until the sales start pouring in!
While we're on the topic of digital ads, we also want to mention Amazon Ads. There are over 12,000,000 products on Amazon at any given point in time. It should come as no surprise that they are the #1 E-commerce company in the world! They're so popular, in fact, that many customers head straight to the site if they're on the hunt for an item. You should absolutely create an Amazon Seller Account to sell your items through. Marketing for e-commerce is tricky because of the competition out there, and avoiding Amazon only makes it harder. Consumers trust Amazon and have come to expect their one-day shipping. Independent businesses really can't compete with Amazon's speed and power, so you may lose sales if you're not on the platform. Once you have an account with your items, you want to make sure your digital marketing agency is setting up Amazon Ads! Much like other ads, Amazon Ads will show your product in the lineup with others based on keyword and search terms. Amazon does a wonderful job at integrating the ads in seamlessly with the organic results which increases the change consumers will click on it. Organically, your items can get buried in the massive amounts of results. Sponsored items are thrown much higher on the page, so consumers will see it while they're still in the exploratory phase. If your product isn't in the first few rows of results, you may lose the sale to a higher-placed competitor! Ads can help prevent that from happening so that you get the most from Amazon.
So many people ignore the wonderful platform that is Pinterest! When marketing for e-commerce companies, it is even more important than usual! Even the top digital marketing agencies seem to ignore this hugely effective site, and we honestly don't understand why. For e-commerce in particular, Pinterest is honestly a must-have. Why? The stats speak for themselves! Last year, studies showed that shopping was the top priority for 48% of Pinterest users! That's almost half of the consumers on the platform actively looking to buy things! Let's say you sell tech equipment. We have wonderful news! 91% of Pinners in the market for tech/telecom purchases decide to buy after seeing content on Pinterest! Imagine how many sales you'll get! If you opt to post on Pinterest organically and with ads, the chance of making sales increases even more. Seriously, anyone marketing for e-commerce who isn't on Pinterest is doing themselves and the client a HUGE disservice. Pinterest is a very simple platform to use both organically and for ads, so your digital marketing agency should have no problem handling the account for you! Once you get the targeting right, be prepared for a huge influx of sales!
Lastly, we have to mention social media marketing! Yes, Pinterest is a social media platform, but we wanted to give it it's own shoutout because of how influential it is for e-commerce. That being said, the other big platforms are also great to have. Facebook and Instagram will be big for your business, both organically and paid. On both platforms, customers can see your product in action and click through to your site. There are shopping options on both as well where you get a "storefront" that displays on your account! As we all know, Facebook and Instagram are enormously popular, so it makes sense to have a business presence there. Between organic posts and paid ads, you can sell a lot of products over social media! There are a few products that are not allowed in ads such as firearms, weapons, drugs, etc., but most e-commerce is fair game! Thanks to the detailed targeting options, you can show your products to the social media users most likely to want them! We recommend social media presence to all of our clients, but it's especially important if you're marketing for e-commerce.
There are plenty of other services that can really benefit an e-commerce company, but these are our top five. Of course, our suggestions may change based on your industry, products, and target audience. For most companies however, these five are a good place to start. If your digital marketing agency doesn't list them on your proposed package, it may be best to look elsewhere! Digital marketing is what keeps e-commerce alive, so you want to make sure it's done well. If you're looking for a team who knows how to get you the sales you're hoping for, contact BusySeed! We have helped over 300 clients across various industries. We specialize in web development, social media marketing, and general digital marketing. Sign on with us and you'll see the sales roll in in no time! Call (888) 353-1484 today!
Stay ahead in digital marketing!